

There are some exceptions to this where POLISH MARBLE can offer a comprehensive advice on certain aspects of cleaning of granite floor.

Granite floor cleaning involves the initial appraisal of the degree of wear, contamination and desired appearance, where this has deteriorated over time and use , it is possible to fully renovate, rejuvenate and restore this delicate rock and its beauty ,however with a greater involvement in process from many of its other rocks such as marble and limestone etc. Contact polish marble for more about granite floor maintenance. Polish marble provide your the best solution for you home’s granite floor at your satisfaction.



Polish Marble能够为与其他类型的天然石不同的花岗石地板提供全面的建议。花岗岩清洁包括对磨损,污染和所需外观的初步评估,随着时间的推移和使用,岩石的磨损程度, 进行全面翻新和恢复以恢复这种细腻的岩石其美丽的模样。



Terdapat beberapa pengecualian untuk ini di mana POLISH MARBLE boleh menawarkan nasihat yang komprehensif mengenai aspek tertentu membersihkan lantai granit. Pembersihan granit melibatkan penilaian awal tahap keausan, pencemaran dan penampilan yang diingini, di mana ini telah merosot dari masa kemasa, mana tabg mungkin diubahsuai dan pemulihan batu halus ini dan keindahannya, namun dengan penglibatan yang lebih besar dalam prosesnya dengan banyak batu lain seperti marmar dan batu kapur dll.
